Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Attention All! It's your last chance not to vote in the Labour Leadership Election

As Labour's lack-of-leadership election draws to a close I wonder if this hasn't been the most farcical election ever. Even Eatanswill in the Pickwick Papers staged a better election .Labour's election is premature,achieves nothing,features two unsuitable candidates and leaves the cream of Labour''s leadership crop to stand and watch 'At least in Eatonswill the electors were plied with beer. Now they're just vetted.

Jeremy Corbyn is a campaigner of many causes not a leader.Yet it will take time to demonstrate his inadequacies to those who elected him and realise them himself.That can only come  from next  year's polls,the council election results and election of new shadow members by the Parliamentary Labour Party to tie his hands.Yet instead of waiting the issue has been forced too soon by sulky Blairites who feel they should be running the party and rampant Remainers  who blame Corbyn for not whipping reluctant Labour supporters into an enthusiasm for they EU they don't feel.This produces a leadership  election whose nomination system allows room for only one alternative . Owen Smith has rocketed from obscurity to grab it pitting the old agitator against the slick salesman fighting to win political enthusiasts not real people.

Result ? A campaign which doesn't interest  the wider public being aimed at Labour's political groupies which makes it a slugging match about who's leftier than the other in a party which needs to move to the centre ground to win. Each candidate adds fifty seven new varieties to the longest suicide note in history Neither indicates what Labour should do after Brexit beyond trying to wish it away.Each highlights the deficiencies  of the other.Neither demonstrates any great leadership potential of his own

Suicide as a political strategy is a necrophiliac's game whichmakes it difficult for Labour to do its job as an effective opposition..Yet neither candidate offers any way  to end the civil war or change a structure designed for disaster  Party enthusiasts hate the MPs as betrayers.MPs hate the leader as hopeless .He hates the General Secretary and the party machine.Compounding antagonisms like this ismore likely to lead to a split than  election victory.Yet Smith's answer is for more moderates to join even though few are prepared to waste their lives in endless committees and boring fights while Corbyn wants more socialists, ignoring the  danger of permeation they bring and putting Labour out of kilter with the people

Both campaigns are based on an outdated view of  politics  .No hope now of arousing any  starvelings from their slumbers .They're viewed as scroungers choosing a life  of dependency .No sign of revolutionary blood to shed in a conservative country.No  1945 type surge and no mass working class to be roused  when there are fewer manual workers .Instead there's much less class solidarity and a steady fall in both strong support  and votes for the main parties.Yet each candidate wants to bring the mass party back from the dead

They're clobbering a bored nation with a smorgasbord of policies : CND,environmentalism femininism, ethnic appeals,gay rights Euro enthusiasm and  an open door to immigration, ignoring the fact that you don't multiply  support by multiplying policies you divide it.

The basic rules of politics  tell us to give party members influence but not power .They pull to the extremes away from the centre ground on which elections are won. Most people aren't particularly interested in politics and would rather get on with their lives, their families their entertainment and their sport.They find politics  irrelevant ,though most will do their duty at national elections .They can even be roused by the manifest failure of a government but then they need a few broad policies from a party which  offers a better alternative not a quarrelling rabble.

The job of the opposition believe it not is to oppose and highlight governmental failures, to develop broad and attractive alternatives and to stand ready for the government to fail.It's not to fight an internal civil war.Any other approach,disunity a plethora of policies,purification damns the opposition and allows the government to get away with far more than if it faced a strong opposition..

Power comes in three stages.First appeal to the centre ground on which most electors live. Second handle power successfully to become a credible government. Then implement the stronger policies you think necessary. Margaret Thatcher managed to jump all three hurdles.Tony Blair fell at the second.But today's Labour party shows no sign of reaching the first. I'll have to write "neither of the above"on my ballot paper,if there isn't a space for a write in candidate. .

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