Friday, 22 July 2016

So, what happens next?

My guess is not much. The politicians take time to adjust to a changed world. The parties take even longer. But the people will just pick themselves and carry on as if nothing has happened. The sky won't fall in.

The Remainers won't give up. They'll attempt to repeal the judges decision  and argue that they should have another referendum on the grounds that Brexit cheated, told lies, appealed to base and all sorts of  naughty motives which Remain of course didn't do because  truth, God,virtue, and the future of Britain were on their side but for some strange reason didn't prevail.

So they'll rant on with God on their side claiming that everything that goes wrong from race hatred crimes to an increase in nose picking are due to Brexit. They'll be helped by credulous journalists who'll hunt round Britain for symptoms of distress and round the EU to show how much they hate us and how they'll refuse to make concessions to us. Won't be true of course because they've no way of knowing, or measuring, but they'll fit the world to fit their prejudices,

The Conservatives who think like a regiment and have an ingrained instinct for power at any cost will pull together, plaster, acclaim their leader as the greatest since Boudacea and roll with the punches as they always have in the past. That means giving Davies and Boris their heads for a time but chucking them overboard  if they don't get a good deal. In the mean time they'll chuck Osbornism overboard with Osborne by increasing borrowing, pushing Quantitive easing and probably cutting business taxes. So much for tilting the balance to the people.

As for business the big boys will continue to moan and float the idea of transferring to Europe.Big business likes the status quo and doesn't like being inconvenienced. But Business is very adaptable and always deals with the world as it is which means they'll accept Brexit and work round its problems despite the assertions of the politicians who don't know business and don't realise how flexible and adaptable it is. Never believe what politicians and journalists say about business. They. dont know it and they don't realise its flexibility and adaptability and they're contemptuous of it.

Business will be helped in this adjustment by the fall in the value of the pound.This is the great benefit Brexit and uncertainty bring. That will boost exports,bring new jobs and new growth and make imports dearer and less attractive.In 1992 the last Tory devaluation ushered in a decade of growth and prosperity. Why should this not do the same?

 The main worry is the Labour Party. It tried to whip its supporters into an enthusiasm for Europe they don't feel and blame poor, hapless Jeremy for his failure to do so. Labour now believes in Euro-enthusiasm more than it believes in socialism.It now seems determined to devote itself to relighting the referendum, committed to getting back into the EU. We're in danger of being stuck in the past fighting a battle that's over.

What about the workers?Well one thing the referendum did show was that they're fed up of Europe, feel neglected and buggered around by globalisation. Since no one  now speaks for them they've decided to speak for themselves and the liberal elite can't forgive themfor it. Labour once stood for the workers.Now the right regard them as a safe vote which can be taken for granted. No need to deliver to them, so the party can concentrate on its real job.That's to add middle class and southern voters to the proletarian lump.Anything done for the workers will frighten the middle class off. Hardly nice for MPs who're now middle class themselves. No wonder the forgotten people struck back in a referendum which was their chance to say we've been buggered about.

 As for the left It's so busy pushing a thousand curses in which the workers have no  great interest and get nothing from that they've lost sight of Labour's real role.That isn't friendship with Hamas or the IRA it's the betterment of the pay and conditions of the people it represents. Until Labour realises that it will get nowhere.

Monday, 11 July 2016

It's a joy to be a European rather than a paid Eurocreep!

To listen to the miserable moans coming from our self appointed cultural elite and the National Union of liberal intelligentsia you'd think that Britain had gone isolationist, cut itself off from the world and opted to go back to the dark ages. How dare the uncultured and untutored masses, cut us the cultural elite off from Europe (second) home and beauty? It's been as if  the British people in saying they don't particularly like the EU (few do except those who're paid by it) had opted to have  Britain towed off into the mid Atlantic festooned with "No Entry" signs and  run by Millwall fans.

All balls (or if you like it boules). What the people are saying is that they don't want to be drained, taxed and bossed around by bloated bureaucrats in Brussels.We'll still love France, are excited and stimulated by the Belgians,sing Italian arias and drive German cars.Peter Mayle will still be overjoyed (and under taxed) by living in France, retired crooks will still buy villas in Spain  and British tourists will still be able to study anthropology in sex clubs in Amsterdam or Hamburg. 

School parties will swop with schools in France, and intellectuals will still sing "Paris tu n'as pas change mon vieux" as they're overcharged in French bordellos where they've gone to enjoy "let dirty weekend". Poles will still come here to pick our potatoes ,kill our chickens and do barrow jobs on our houses.

The Belgians will still keep their security information for themselves in the hope that their terrorists do it in Paris ,the EU will still provoke Russia over Ukraine and prove unable to stop Serbs murdering Kosovans. The French will still overcharge us for electricity and nuclear power.Italian cars will still break down on British hills and the Spaniards aren't gowing to cut off our vital supplies of paella;

In fact life will go on as normal after Brexit.We'll probably get even better arrangements for cooperation on matters cultural, environment and educational Who needs a perambulating Parliament and a bloated bureaucracy to clean up our beaches or do the simple things which are all they've done been able to manage so far  Nor will we be affected by the 30,000 lobbyists mostly working for big business who wine and dine round Brussels or bribe our MEPs to do some work and actually go there a few times.

Best of all we won't have to pay for it all or subsidise Croatia to kill people, Rumanians to rob or Latvians to lactate. We'll be free to pursue our own interests without having to drag the albatross of French agriculural protection into every trade meeting and subject our interests to the whims of  Estonia,our fish to the French and our fields to all that yellow rape because the French won't let us import it from poor countries. We'll be free. Free to be the best kind of Europeans. The ones who love it voluntarily and because they like it andnot because they're forced to grin and bear it and pay for the thing. What a joy it will be to be European not a paid Eurocreep.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Believe in Britain

The big difference between Brexiteers and Remainers is not so much about what kind of Britain they want. Brexiteers don't want to go back to Imperial Britain. Remainers don't want to be just another province in the jostling folly that calls itself "Europe" or "The United States of Europe". It's  more a question of belief in Britain. Does it have sufficient strength to survive on its own, or is it now so weakened by years of comparative decline that it needs the prop of the EU?

That's the cause of demands to repeat the referendum, the claims that Brexit won on lies while Remain told nothing but the truth: the fears would turn out to be true because Britain was so weak and voters were too stupid too to see this. Indeed even now Remainers can't wait for the crisis to come and demonstrate how right they were.

For Remainers the EU is Britain's Zimmer frame. It will support us when we fail and we'd collapse without it.Brexiteers see our contributions as a drain in Britain's economy, holding us back and dragging us down, so we'll surge without it. Remainers say EU aid helps us. Brexiters say it's our own money back with the EU's heavy costs taken out.

Remainers think the world will be against us and relegate us to declining impotence if we kick away our prop: access to the single market. Brexiters say we're losing out in the single market because the Germans accumulate surpluses and don't trade fairly so we'd do better negociatins our.own agreements with expanding markets without dragging the dead albatross of French agricultural protection into everything

If Remainers had won, the steady drain and decline would have continued. Because the Brexiteers did, we can break the grip of the vested interests who benefit from decline, administer a stimulating shock to check the decline and stop the drain holding us down.

It's not going to be easy.It'll be hard work and a risk. But it will be better than the sleepy slide of drain and decline,which may benefit the rich, the City and the vested interests of importers, Eurocreeps, politicians who prefer strutting on a bigger stage to the more difficult task of solving Britain'sproblems, but hurts the workers, the producers, the manufacturers and.all who're old-fashioned enough to be proud of their country. Including me.

The big benefit of Brexit

In all the moaning and fears produced by the prospect of Brexit the biggest was the fear that the pound would come down. It has - without us having brewed it. Down 8% already on top of the 6% before.

A good thing too, and with any luck it should come down further. That's a huge benefit to exports-which were flagging before the fall. It's a tax on imports which were far bigger than we could afford. It will make it more expensive for the wealthy to buy villas in Monaco and yachts on the Med but before our hearts bleed too much for them, let's remember that it will mean we export more cars,s ave British steel and boost engineering, ensuring more jobs and economic growth.

The pound had to come down if we were to pay our way in the world and only the prospect of Brexit and the blow to confidence produced by the referendum vote could do it.  Instead of moaning how naughty the British people were for voting as their betters told them not to, we must now seize it, invest in exporting industries, boosting help and support for exports and turn the economy back into the powerful economy it once as.Then the devaluation will become the key to growth as the 1992 devaluation gave us a decade of falling unemployment.

Go for it! Don't let Osborne ruin it.We have nothing to fear but the EU itself. The Euro has turned our major market into a low growth high unemployment black spot.Which is why we now need to use our new competitiveness to win new markets.The cost of membership and the Eurogeld are a drain on Britain's economy and should be shed.

It would be a national tragedy now to throw away this opportunity to get back to growth and restructuring Britain's failing economy

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Labour: Love it, don't leave it.

As the Labour Party deserts its job and its responsibilities to play Cowboys and Indians it's worth  while pointing out that both sides are right, though it's not clear whether one is crazier than the other and their combined efforts are making the party unelectable. People tend to like a party to be an alternative government to a civil war on wheels.

The gulf between the two camps is about how to get elected. The Blairites, who started sulking before Jeremy was elected, believe in Tony's approach which was to take Labour's core working class support for granted, give it nice smiles and warm words and not much else and make the party attractive to groups like the aspires, whoever they are, the south, the middle class or business or the lot by pulling Labour's teeth and pretending that it was the Liberal Party reincarnated.

The Corbyn lefty approach was older and argued that Labour had to be radical and left to build the working class vote because proletarians are in a majority and only need to be radicalised to bring them out in great numbers to bring victory and another 1945.

Tony's approach won in l997 (though given the Tory mess Michael Foot would have made it too). His government didn't deliver much to the workers:minimum wage and Sure Starts but no extra powers for the Trade Unions and lots of deregulation for the bankers and financiers who became more important to the government than the TUC, until they greedily screwed up everything with the recession.

The Corbyn approach represents a rank and file reaction against this. The benefits are that Corbyn himself is a sincere man of principle and that's more saleable than the plasticscene politicians who'll bend to any shape. People prefer a leader with values. Plus the fact that McDonnell is looking for serious answers to the serious question about the economy such as investment, inequality, higher taxes all the things no-one else dare tackle.

The weakness of the Corbyinites is that he doesn't look like a leader and he's boring. The weakness of the Blairites is that they've got too many jostling and inflated egos,  too few ideas and no guts at all. No need to take either side but every need to force them to work together. If they don't, Labour's not only destroyed but useless as the only political instrument for advancing the cause of people which used to be its job in my time. Less sound of battle please and more the dull banging of heads being knocked together.